If you receive you can’t make this change because the selection is locked while trying to editing a single element such as the title, perhaps there are some problems with the metadata of the document. Whether you use unlinking or locking is up to you. Fix 3: Modify the Properties of the Document.
That means the displayed result of the field won’t change until the field is unlocked and updated.Ī locked field has the Update Field option greyed out.
Locking a field prevents the field from being updated while retaining the field code. The alternative to unlinking or converting a field is to Lock it. Unlinking/converting is only available via the Ctrl + Shift + F9 shortcut. The rest of us would say it’s converting a field code into it’s result or text. If this is the case with your document, you will need to do. Sometimes, an author may mark the document as final meaning the document does not require any further modifications. Use the Edit Anyway Feature to Unlock Word Selection Is Locked. Microsoft calls this ‘Unlinking’ a field. Hopefully, the selection is locked in Microsoft Word 2016 issue should now be resolved for you. Do this so the field code isn’t updated any more.Ī common use for this is the DATE or PRINTDATE fields which you may want to stay fixed at the current date and not change. Sometimes you want to remove the field code and leave only the result. The Insert | Field command is a more reliable way to start a new field code. Make the field code brackets by pressing Ctrl + F9 The curly brackets/braces you see aren’t the normal you can type from the keyboard. If you want to learn more about field codes and switches, this dialog is a good way to understand the options and the matching switches.